Places to Travel Before You Reach the Thirties

Travelling is not only about having fun. It is about healing, learning life lessons, as well as enriching your life. Reaching 30 is not an easy phase. In your twenties, you experience many things as your life transitioned to the next level of adulthood. Thus, before you reach 30, you should experience more so you have enough knowledge and memories that can help you face another challenges during the next transition. In thirties, life might not as adventurous as you thought it would be because you would have different priorities to attend to. Therefore, making the most out of your time before 30 by travelling to different places is not a bad idea. 

Where to go for travelling before 30

Your transition to adulthood is not always rainbow and sunshine. It is even tougher when you transition in your 30. You might have started organizing your life better by setting steady finance and planning more about the future. However, don’t forget that you also need time to breathe. Travel once in a while is good for you before you are 30. Here are several recommendation of trips that fit the most at your age.

Places to Travel Before You Reach the Thirties


China is one of the most visited places in the world. There’s so many places to explore during your visit in China such as the Great Wall. Walk and climb the wall and appreciate the majestic view in your surroundings. Aside from lots of historical buildings to visit, you will also witness how their culture is so distinctive. You will learn many things during your trip. It will allow you to open your mind and gain different perspectives. 


Egypt is also a great destination to travel before you reach 30. This place has lots of historical values you can learn more. The Great Pyramid of Giza is highly recommended to visit. It is the remaining Wonder of the ancient world. It is open to public so you can appreciate the beauty of the architecture to the fullest. You can also have a tour to the ancient tombs and learn more about the ancient cultures. It will make you feel like you are entering different world.

Read More: Simple Tricks to Travel Smoothly


Ireland is also highly recommended place you should try to visit before you are 30, especially if you are art lover. You can take a bus tour to explore Dublin, see historical Celtic castles, or enjoy live music at Whelan’s. It is also recommended to meet new people here as you can share knowledge about the cultures, arts, and everything. 


Indonesia is already popular destination for travelers around the world. There are many places you can choose to visit such as Bali, Lombok, Yogyakarta, Bandung, or Semarang. This is a country with distinctive and diverse culture. There’s a lot you can learn by visiting one of the city. You can get closer to the nature, meeting the locals, and learn some skills.  There are also historical and cultural architectures you can visit during your trip. This is also a great destination for budget travelers.