Is it Possible to Travel with Social Anxiety?

Every individual has different situation which can make their lives a little bit more complicated than others. However, it doesn’t mean they are less than others. One of issues many people suffered from is social anxiety. It is when a person feels extremely anxious when being socially exposed, be it talking to strangers or being in new places.

Travel with social anxiety disorder

For some people, this issue is hard to overcome. Some people try to overcome this issue by going out more or travelling in hope to lessen the anxiety from being socially exposed. However, is it really safe t travel with social anxiety?

Travelling with anxiety disorder

This issue has different severity so every individual who suffer from it may have different symptoms or reaction. They may also need different treatment depending on their condition.

Some people with social anxiety can still travel with no major problems. However, some of them cannot travel at all especially alone. So if the question asked whether or not a person with social anxiety can travel smoothly, the answer is yes, it is possible.

Even though some issues may occur during the travel, many travellers with social anxiety have proven that they can travel rather smoothly indeed.

You can actually build your courage to travel even when you have social anxiety. Here are some tips for those who suffer from the same issue but have successfully got themselves out of the road.

First, it is common to feel like cancelling even in the last minute due to the anxiety. To overcome this, you need to imagine yourself in the place you really want to visit. Try to remind yourself why you want to travel badly. This can help you building your courage and minimizing your anxiety at the same time. Thinking positively will help you calm down.

Next, instead of feeling the fear of going out of your home, try to focus on the fear of living in regret for not taking the chance to travel when you can. You can picture yourself several months or years later what would you be if you cancel the trip. You might regret it deeply if you follow your fear and cancel it.

It is also not recommended to jump blindly on a trip without preparation especially when you suffer from social anxiety.

You need to plan out your days thoroughly so you know what to do during your trip. If you lack of preparation, the anxiety might get worse instead. By being more prepared, you will feel ready to face the problem.

Find a community that can help you or ease your anxiety. In the community, you will receive support, tips, and trick to have smooth travel. This will help to think that you are not the only one who suffer from your anxiety and that lots of people can do it.

However, you also need to remember that you can always go home anytime. If you think it is not the right time or not for you, you can go home without regret or feel like you failed.